Get Your Short

Film Funded

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Uncover the most effective funding options for your film and get a custom step-by-step plan to raise the money (without asking for favours or relying on oversaturated film funds)

*currently on sale!

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It's going to show you:

Which film funds are looking for films like yours

✅ Where to find private investors that will be interested in your film and how to approach them

✅ If crowdfunding will work for your film and how to create a successful campaign

✅ And it'll create a custom funding plan for your film so you just have to follow the steps

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What's included?

Budget Estimator - Calculate a basic budget with costs updated for June 2024 so you have an accurate picture of everything you need (no Movie Magic or producing experience necessary!)

Film Funds: the Birds Eye View - A list of 35 film funds, grants and competitions, plus their main priorities so you can find out if you’re likely to get selected (plus exactly what they look for in applications)

Crowdfunding Calculator - Automatically calculate how much money you’d raise if you launched a crowdfunding campaign tomorrow (without asking loved ones to donate!)

Private Investors - Find out how much of your budget you can raise through private investors, how many private investors you’ll need to talk with and how long it will take to get investors onboard (and an exact plan to find 30+ high net worth individuals who have a proven interest in funding films!)

The Tap-In Method - Discover which category your film fits into so you can unlock a network of ideal private investors you can connect with (including high net worth individuals, businesses, and charities)

Gaps & Shortfalls - Auto-calculate any remaining gap you’re likely to have in your budget, plus get funding options specifically to fill in gaps in your budget (everything from £1,000 to £10,000)

[Bonus] Audience & Marketing Numbers - Let it tell you how many people you’ll need to reach to hit your target and how long it will take you to reach them (plus how to easily use your audience to raise more from film funds and private investors!)

Next Steps - Get a custom plan that ties it all together so you have a straightforward to do list, a complete timeline and nothing else in your way (all you need to do is follow to the to do list and watch the money come in 4-12 weeks!)

[NEW BONUS!] Build a Mailing List - Everything you need to set up a mailing list for your film (even if you've never done it before) (plus how to grow your list over 30 days, leverage it with investors and film funds AND how to use it to find potential overseas investors!)

Regular Price: £197

Today's Price: £55*

*currently on sale!

Get lifetime access, plus all updates!

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Does this work for all kinds of films?

Yes! This will work for literally any kind of short film you want to create.

That's actually one of the main reasons I created this! Most of the traditional short film funding options are extremely risk-averse and don't fund anything they deem 'out of the box', making it super difficult to get any money for your film if you're doing something new/unusual/different from everyone else.

This tool will go through every possible funding option and find the very best ones for your film (no matter how unique it is) so you don't have to waste time on film fund applications that would never take a 'risk' by funding your film

Is this an AI thing?

Nope, just a good old-fashioned spreadsheet with the calculations automatically inputted for you.

It should take you about 15 mins to put in all the info about your film, and then you'll have your plan, to do list and timeline in a matter of seconds!

Do I need to have a producer working on my film before I can start getting funding?

You'll need a producer onboard to apply for some of the options in the Film Funds Master List, but for every other funding option the plan will give you, anyone can do those.

If you're not comfortable talking to potential investors then having a producer onboard will make that easier for you, but the to do list that will be created for you is designed to be as straightforward as possible so anyone can do it

I've never made a film before. Will this work for me?

Absolutely. This spreadsheet is designed for literally every type of short film and filmmaker.

It also gives you super easy step-by-step instructions so anyone can follow them, even if you've never done it before.

PS. Congrats on making your first film!

Is this tool just for producers?

No, this tool will work for anyone who has a film they want to create. When it comes to submitting some funding applications, you might need a separate producer onboard, but that varies depending on the film fund and their requirements

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Regular Price: £197

Today's Price: £55*

*currently on sale!

Note: Due to the digital nature of this product, we do not offer refunds.

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'No Loved Ones Allowed' Crowdfunding Strategy

The exact strategy to hit your target without asking friends and family for their support (even if you’ve crowdfunded before)

Plus step-by-step guidance on finding private investors and how to approach them so they'll back your campaign. Only available for a limited time!

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